CAGD 470
Sprint 6
How was this sprint for me? Fine, but could have, should have been better. I got a lot of work done but I should have been able to complete all of my work with some help from team members. There were some hurdles and other projects got in the way time wise, but it would have been doable, if not for a significant personal issue which killed my momentum. The first weekend of the sprint when I was planning to make good progress ended up being a very bad time for me personally and I struggled to do anything. While I was able to get moving by the midweek after it killed my momentum and made it easy to stay slow. I will finish what I have laid before me and help some more with other project aspects as we reach, at last, the end of the line for the project.
What did
go well this sprint for me? I found some really good royalty free music online
which my lead liked for the main menu and first two levels. The website I got
them from even has digital license documents which is good. I also got a lot of
good sound effects from which is a great source for sounds to use
in game projects. I also recorded a few more sounds for enemies just messing
around with my own voice. I’m no voice actor but I can make some weird sounds
for the enemies in our game. I also made a new texture for our campfire
building area which had been an untextured blue for a while and I was able to
build a sufficiently interesting and distinct texture using Substance Sampler. This
was some decent progress but should have been better.
went poorly this sprint for me? The big problem this sprint was that my pacing
was shattered by a bad start to the sprint cutting off important working time which
ended up hurting my ability to finish the work I wanted to finish. I still need
to get most of the sounds working in unity which should mostly be fine but I
foresee some challenges with some specific implementation requiring code work
which interacts with other code which will be a challenge to unravel. I also ended
up deferring the fixing of my health bar spawning code to our programmer Usume
as I have been taking too long in finishing it. This required some rewriting
which should not have been needed if I had made it right in the first place. I
had a time setback but I know I can finish what is needed of me in the coming last
days of the project.
will be going forward for the last breath of our project and what would I have
done differently? I will make sure that once I get past this weekend burst of
class work that progress will be swift and consistent in implementing the
remaining sound in the game during this polish phase. One important element
which has changed for the project was an important scope change with the levels
all being shrunk down to better facilitate the gameplay that our players find
fun. This was an important decision for the project which while I preferred a
different approach I deferred to Bradley, our vision holder and team leader. The
biggest lesson I have learned in this project is not to let fear of work
quality stifle productivity, get stuff done, even if only to have to fix it to
truly get it done. A quote comes to mind “Do not let the perfect be the enemy
of the good.” Sometimes in a fear of not doing something right I fear to do anything
at all. But the end is nigh and I am proud of the work that has been done by myself
and team on this project.
Sprint 5
How did this sprint go for me? Things
went decently well for me this sprint as I completed a decent amount of work
and got moving in a good direction work wise. I came close to wrapping up a
rather annoying user interface element and successfully completed another. I
also got started on a fun and interesting area of design, sound design. While
some work wasn’t fully finished or requires further bug fixing the overall
direction looks good.
sprint was overall pretty successful for myself with a good recovery despite a
slow start. One thing that I was happy I was able to get working was the bullet
count user interface element. We had considered making something more in-depth
with individual visual bullets which would appear and disappear corresponding
with the ammo count but due to feasibility concerns this idea was scrapped.
Still even a simple text-based ammo counter was pretty good for me as I have
trouble with programming stuff. I also started making audio effects for the
game this sprint. I created sound effects for the player and enemies. I made a
player hurt sound, a zombie death sound, a witch death sound, two zombie attack
sounds, and two witch attack sounds. These I just recorded with my computer and
they turned out surprisingly well. I had to do a bit of fiddling to get them in
the right format and such but they worked. The zombie noises were classic
groans and growls while I cackled for the witch noises with a fading cackle
being the death sound. I worked on finishing up the health bars for the enemies
and defenses and I thought I completed them based on the video tutorials I was
using. Unfortunately, due to having trouble testing on my end I didn’t iron out
the last kinks to get them fully functional yet. Overall, I made some good
progress this sprint.
What did
not go so well this sprint for me? I failed to fully implement the health bars
for the enemies and defenses which was a disappointment. I have trouble messing
around with coding stuff especially as this work requires working in multiple
scripts with numerous prefabs and user interface elements. I still need to do
some trouble shooting to figure out where the problem is because the code is
not causing glitches or errors but is not spawning the health bars properly
either. It may be a simple fix by inserting a line or two of code here or there
or it may be a complicated effort finishing mashing up the code of our existing
scripts with the online tutorials I have been using in order to create a Frankenstein
fusion. I also started working on music this sprint with a free music making
software. I had already started messing with it and was able to get some decent
results finally. I enjoy music a lot but do not understand the mechanics of
musical notes and composition and have a bit of a tin ear. But I managed to
create a track which I decently liked and did not make my ears bleed.
Unfortunately, my lead did not think it fit his vision of the game so he wants me
to find royalty free music online instead. The music software I found has a
very retro feel to it which he did not think fit our game, I personally feel it
could be a decent fit, or at least better than stock music, but he is the
vision holder. There remain some frustrations but things are progressing even
the bad.
In the
upcoming last real sprint of work, I have some things to do, but I know where I
am going. I will be creating more voice-lines for the player and monsters as
well as implementing those in game. I will be finding and implementing royalty
free sound effects and music throughout the game. I will also finally get those
accursed health bars fully functioning. I know where I am going and how I will
get there.
Sprint 4
How did
sprint 4 turn out in the end? It was a mess for everyone. I am very unhappy
with the amount of progress we made as a team and also quite unhappy with how
much progress I was able to make as an individual team member. There is some
solace in the quality of the work my team did and that our struggle was not
unique. Still very disappointing, especially considering I had wanted to
improve pace not slow down. I managed to get some work done but unfortunately much
of my work was incomplete by the time the sprint closed. Yet I shall persevere
through these challenges and push myself and my team to improve our pace of production
and then maintain a steady pace to completion.
went well for myself this sprint? Not a great deal as my work also suffered as
returning to pace proved more challenging than expected. I did manage to create
some new user interface elements to track the gold as well as another one to
track ammo for the pistol. I learned a bunch about various programming concepts
when working on some of my user interface stuff but that is still a work in
What did
not go so well this sprint for me? As alluded, I had a lot of challenges this
sprint in maintaining a good pace. The first problem was that the beginning of
the sprint started just a few days before spring break and it is hard to get
work done during that window. I did not work on the project during break in
order to better recuperate. When I returned it became quite challenging to
return to a healthy work pace. Despite reminding myself and the team several
times that we needed to make a better pace rather than backloading all of our
work I struggled to match that ideal. The main problem I ran into was my rustiness
and inexperience with programming. I have not done programming for a class in a
long time and was never especially good at it even back then. Now having to
relearn certain elements while trying to learn new things in order to get tasks
done is difficult. Tutorials definitely help but still require some searching
and finesse to find ones that can teach skills that apply well to the project
task I am working on while not stepping on the programming of other team members.
The big thing I wanted to do with user interface work this sprint was add
health bars to enemies and defenses so players can track the durability of
their defenses and the health status of their enemies. There were and remain numerous
hurdles in attempting this even after making a player health bar last sprint. Some
mild overconfidence did not help matters as I hoped to copy elements of my work
from before but it did not fit the design needs of this work. I needed to spawn
in user interface elements, sliders in this case, with specific properties, at
specific locations relative to the monster/defense spawns while making sure
they accurately reported the health status of those specific entities. This was
where I ran into snags as even in testing, I would make small coding mistakes
and have a very difficult time solving them due to my relative inexperience and
the ability for code to break in the most unexpected ways. I appreciate our
programmer more and more the more frequently I dabble in even simple coding.
What is
changing going forward? I need to improve the pace of both myself and my team.
This requires a lot of encouragement and some prodding with helpful reminders.
I need to make sure to work on it more across the length of the sprint and not
all at the end. I also have decided to turn my focus further away from user
interface/programming related stuff and while I will finish what is on my plate
I will now be turning to work on some other features of the game and I am next
planning on tackling sound, a rather ambitious leap. We have had some setbacks
but we will overcome with good teamwork.
Sprint 3
This sprint
was a mixture of ups and downs. Things started well as I was working on
applying the lessons, I had learned from the previous sprint to myself and the
team but then things derailed. We were meeting daily to discuss progress on
discord but we knew that several team members would be busy for several days
early on so I didn’t press them. But as the first week became the second the
team had not made much progress and our communication had become suboptimal. I
had now become busy due to my work on other projects and classes and failed to
properly keep the team on pace. In the last few days of the sprint we were for
the most part kicked back into gear and completed a lot of work, but we still fell
behind on our previous sprint pace. We also spent far too much time working on
the project in the final days of the sprint, more than is healthy. I for my
part completed most of my work but should have pushed harder with it and done
more to help the team.
went wrong in more specific detail? I did too much of my sprint work at the end
when I had meant for a more even pace throughout the sprint. Despite some
initial progress my work stagnated in the middle before wrapping up quickly at
the end. I did not complete the work for the user interface related to the
perks system as the programming behind that was not completed this sprint. I
had some struggles with the health bar user interface element I was working on
as the tutorial I was using used INT and the scripts we had tracked health
using BOOLs so I tried to figure out some way to preserve the BOOLs but I
ultimately had to change most of them to INT in order to make my health bar
function. Some of the user interface elements I made were not fully up to my
personal standards and will require touch ups with additional programming and
sprite work. The scripts for the scene transitions for the main menu and
options menu were tied to build scene numbers but I should have made it tied to
scene names for better future proofing as we add more scenes and levels into
the game. The biggest problem though was that I failed to properly push the
team in the mid sprint, I knew that several team members were busy with other
classes which is perfectly understandable, but once they were done with those I
should have kindly but strongly pushed them to get some work done. I also
failed to reel in scope problems as some cards from certain team members spiraled
and took up far too much sprint time. We don’t need perfection; we need
progress and I did not adequately bring this message to my team.
went right this sprint? I completed most of my assigned sprint work minus the
aforementioned user interface work for the perk system. I completed several new
Adobe Substance Sampler textures which was good clean work. I also made a main
menu scene in Unity and some working buttons to start a new level and open the
options menu. I also created the options menu and a button to bring the player
back to the main menu. I made placeholder sprites for the buttons and non-functioning
buttons unimplemented but forthcoming (or wishful) features like sound. I also made
onscreen user interface elements for the XP Bar and health bar. The health bar
was able to made functional with help from our programmer Usume, though the XP
bar needs to have a functionality added to it once we add in the XP system. Overall,
I am mostly happy with what work I did this sprint.
lessons have I learned going forward? I need to improve my team communication and
keep in daily communication with the team to ensure a healthy pace of progress.
I need to practice what I preach and have a more even pace of production for my
own work. I need to better future proof my work in Unity. I need to better
collaborate with other team members when working on adjacent work such as
programming and art. While I have made some mistakes these I shall overcome and
use these as lessons to improve my own work and my team cohesion in future
Sprint 2
This sprint was a significant improvement on the first sprint in several ways. I got some work done and also have been learning how to better manage the team and project. The team has been making good real progress. Our lead was sick for much of a week but we managed to continue on, and he managed to complete quite a bit of work this sprint. The big project I have been working in this sprint is adding to the backlog which is a mammoth task that is hard to fully complete with the scope of our game but I have endeavored towards it and added some new epics to reflect some elements found in the game design document. The other thing I was working on this sprint was creating some ground textures using Adobe Substance sampler, formerly Substance Alchemist which I enjoy using. Substance sampler is the easier to use cousin of the more powerful substance designer and can be used to quickly create good looking textures and I enjoy using it to make such textures. Overall, everyone, including myself, has significantly increased our pace of work and things are looking good ahead.
went right this sprint? The team has significantly increased our pace of
production with far more points assigned and completed this sprint than last
sprint, hopefully we shall soon reach a production speed comparable to some of
these other teams. I think I did a decent job on the texture work I chose. The
backlog is coming along nicely with new epics and many new cards added to better
reflect our design plans. Our programmer Usume was able to complete the
building system in time for our core loop prototype which is a good milestone.
Bradley, our lead, has been really helping make tons of props even when he was
sick which has been great. Nathan, our level designer, completed all of his
assigned work which is a good step of progress. The sprint was closed at a
specific time which was relayed to the team in advance. Alex has created some
really good-looking models, especially the zombie model which everyone really
What did
not go so well this sprint? A bunch of things were suboptimal this sprint such
as how Bradley was sick for a whole week. This meant that our group meetings
were less effective during this time and I was not able to communicate as much one
on one with him as lead and producer to collaborate on backlog work. Everyone
completed a lot of work, but most of the work did not move into “to verify” until
the last few days of the sprint. Some of the work we were doing was not very
productive which is a problem being rectified going forward. Our core loop
prototype was not as complete as any of us would have wanted as the scope of
our real core loop requires another sprint of work to complete. Another problem
with the core loop prototype was the lack of polish as I failed to properly
facilitate the creation of a refined prototype using models and textures rather
than just placeholder objects. I do commend our team on the good parts of our
prototype in showing off the core base building functionality of our game but I
needed to better direct this. A lot of lessons learned but I think our coming
sprints will be far better.
What could
have been done better/ what changes are being made going forward? The core
prototype should have been finished earlier to allow for some more polish. For
the next build I will make sure that the team has the functionality complete some
time before to give them to time to work with and can add some polish before submission.
Work could have been completed more across the time of the sprint rather than all
near the end. We are doing daily check ins via discord to communicate our pace
of work. I am confident that my time can overcome the challenges we will face
ahead and make a good finished product.
Sprint 1, what went well, what went
wrong, what could have been done better, and what is up next? The big success
of this sprint was setting up the backlog, even if it still needs to be
finished, and working on creating the paper UI prototype. The challenge this
sprint was learning Jira and its ins and outs in comparison to the more familiar
Trello, some mistakes were made and some problems had to be quashed, but
progress is rolling onward. What could have been done better was having a
stronger grasp of Jira’s systems before working on the backlog so as to
streamline the process. Up next is finishing the main part of the backlog by
integrating the design document made by Bradley and working on some texturing.
The big task this sprint for myself
was learning Jira and creating a backlog. While I did have some help from
Bradley, as producer it is my job to work on creating and managing the backlog.
This is a new type of work which requires some new learning to master. It is effectively
a form of simple project management, a field which I find as compelling as I
find it complex. Directing an effective project requires effective team and
task management as well as planning goals and determining how to execute them. The
first part of filling out the backlog was taking the epics we had already come
up with and the cards associated with them and merely translating them into
Jira. This was a matter of tedium and also took some editing to make them
conform with the demands for card layout. Determining point value was something
that was mostly easy but also took some discussion with team members to
understand what their capabilities and expectations are. The next job of
filling out the backlog was adding new epics to reflect additional goals and
tasks that we had not initially brainstormed. There are still a few more that
may be worth adding from the developer document, but all of the core goals have
been reflected in the epics. One of my major goals as a producer is to manage
our scope creep as it is always easy to expand the design goals beyond the team’s
capabilities. We already have many cards that are wishes which brings in the
priority system, one of the cool features of Jira. For the most part the early goals
are highest, the essentials are high priority, important goals are medium priority,
and the wishful goals are labelled under low priority, some more nuance could
be added with the lowest priority label but it is currently unnecessary. One of
the features found in both Trello and Jira that took some time to understand
was how to assign people to cards as the way it looked made it hard to grasp
initially. Early on in the sprint we just asked team members to self-assign
cards before I figured out how to assign cards. Another challenge of working
with Jira was using its sprint feature which is far more advanced than Trello’s
but with added complexity it took some time to understand how to use it. We ran
into a few weird issues with duplicate versions of the sprint which had
different cards as well as one of the team members being on the board twice,
this was eventually fixed but caused some mid sprint hassle. The other goal I
worked on this sprint was creating a paper UI prototype which required some
back and forth with the team lead to plan out as well as benefitting from some
revisions. Now that the design document is complete and accessible to the team
finishing the backlog and planning out work should be significantly easier in
the coming sprints.
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